
Mistakes to Avoid When Filing a Workers' Compensation Claim

Suffering a work-related injury or illness can cause a lot of stress. In addition to the pain and medical uncertainty accompanying some health conditions, many injured Georgians worry about making ends meet if they cannot return to work immediately. How will they afford their medical bills, mortgage or rent payments,…

Workers’ Comp Denied My Surgery. Now What?

If your workers’ compensation insurer is refusing to approve surgery recommended by your doctor, you don’t have to face this alone. Insurance companies often deny medical treatments, including surgeries, to save costs, but that doesn’t mean you’re out of options. You can take steps to appeal the decision and secure…

Workers’ Comp Cover My Back Injury Surgery

Back injuries are among the most common and painful injuries people suffer at work. A severe injury can prevent you from moving or doing your job and take a long time to heal. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that over 128,000 U.S. workers sustained a back injury in one recent year,…

Many work injuries involve the knees and hips. Repairing these injuries often requires surgery before the employee can return to work. Under Georgia’s workers’ compensation laws, employees may be entitled to medical, rehabilitation, and income benefits to help during their recovery. At the Law Offices of William F. Underwood, III, P.C.,…